Phasmophobia (PC) - Early Access Video Game Review

Note: I want to preface this review by stating that this is an Early Access game. As such, this game is not formally released. I intend to return to this review and update it when the game is formally released so that any further updates are fully captured.

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a pretty awful year, but I must admit that it has given me plenty of time to branch out and try new things. As I mentioned in my Hunt: Showdown review (which you can see here), I'm not a big fan of multiplayer only games. Beyond that, I am vehemently against trying Early Access games too, as I find a lot of those games go years before finally being published/completed (if they even ever get that far). I prefer to wait and get the full experience than see an unfinished product. What a shock it was that when I tried this game out, I not only had a blast, but quickly became addicted! As of 2 December 2020, this game is only available on PC, where it can be purchased on Steam.


General Information
Phasmophobia is a multiplayer-focused first-person horror game that was/is developed and published by Kinetic Games. It was released via Early Access for PC on 18 September 2020, and is expected to be formally completed at some point in 2021. The game received an explosion of popularity in October during the Halloween season, which caused it to hold the title of top seller on Steam for two weeks consecutively! There aren't many reviews out right now, but Phasmophobia was nominated at the Game Awards for the title of Best Debut Game. 

The Story
Like most multiplayer-centric games, the story is pretty thin on this one. The player is a modern-day ghost hunter that travels across the U.S. to investigate buildings that are suspected of being homes for spooky ghosts. The investigator must use a host of various gadgets and gizmos to identify what room the ghost has taken up residence, and then identify what type of ethereal being it is. 

Not all ghosts were created equal though, and this is where Phasmophobia does its best work! There are numerous types of ghosts that each have their own behavioral quirks, as well as individual ways of being identified. For example: a djinn will be very territorial and quickly become hostile to investigators that enter its domain, while a shade will be much more coy and harder to identify.

Casper called in sick, so they sent this dude instead

Once the investigator identifies which room the ghost is inhabiting, they'll have to carefully test out various sensors to pick up on the ghost's qualities so that it can be properly catalogued. Investigators may have other objectives too, such as snapping a photo of the undead creature, or discovering other signs of its passing (such as a dirty sink). The ghosts don't just sit there and allow this to happen though. They'll harass the players and eventually try to hunt and kill them if the investigator stays too long! If a player dies, they become a ghost that can no longer communicate with their team, and all the equipment they brought with them will be lost! 

The Gameplay
Although this game can be played alone (in fact, the tutorial is a solo experience), much of the content is simply too difficult to do without a team. Player's will immediately notice that their investigator moves very slowly, but can move slightly faster if they hold down the SHIFT key. This gets a little aggravating at times as it eventually becomes uncomfortable to constantly hold that key down (although there are certainly times that moving faster is not entirely wise). I am hoping that Kinetic Games eventually makes that "run" button a toggle, instead of something that needs to be held down constantly.

The various tools and gadgets in this game are incredibly diverse and fun to play around with. Investigators have access to multiple flashlights, motion/sound sensors, cameras, and measuring systems like the thermometer gun and parabolic microphone. It lets each player specialize and customize how they want to investigate the ghost, while many ghosts only respond to very specific pieces of equipment. Some of these devices are fantastically executed, like the Spirit Box (a radio that enables an investigator to commune with the ghost) or the video camera (which provides a live video feed of where it is placed). Some of the tools are incredibly ambiguous in how they can be properly used, which can lead to some frustration as my fellow investigators still struggle with properly using the parabolic microphone or the crucifix. Another annoyance is that investigators can only carry three items at a time with one of those slots inevitably having to go to a flashlight, which severely restricts how much equipment can be used in an investigation. I understand there is a limit for balancing purposes, but investigators literally have a flashlight attached to their shoulder (even when a flashlight isn't equipped), which is unusable.

An element I really like is that investigators have sanity levels that effectively act as health bars for the player. As an investigator navigates through the haunted building, their sanity will deplete. It will go down faster if they spend time in the dark, or witness ghost-like phenomena. As sanity goes down, the ghost interacts more with the investigator. If sanity dips too low, the ghost will begin to hunt the investigator and will kill them if possible. Investigators can somewhat evade being hunted by hiding in rooms or escaping to the safe haven of the outside, but it's not always so easy. The ghost can/will lock investigators in and screw with their lighting. At zero sanity, the ghost will almost immediately hunt an investigator as soon as they enter the site. 

When your sanity is low and you have nowhere to hide

I'm sure it goes without saying, but this is an ugly game. The graphics look as though they are about a decade old, although I must admit that environments all look fairly detailed and ominous. Investigators look especially ugly and move incredibly stiff. This is most noticeable when players watch a fellow investigator look around as their entire upper-body swivels in reaction. One of my friends takes great joy in constantly looking up as he walks around as his investigator appears to be making a weird crabwalk as his upper body becomes parallel with the ground.

Audio is where this game really makes its money as the game has a built-in party chat that increases/decreases volume as the physical proximity between investigators changes. Investigators have a radio they will have to use if they stray from the team, but these radios can be influenced by the ghost. The in-game chat doesn't just facilitate communication between the various investigators though, as it also recognizes certain auditory cues that the ghost can pick up on. Saying the ghost's name, or saying certain phrases (example: "Give me a sign" or "are you in this room?") will sometimes get a reaction. Obviously, this quality does mean that players will need to bring a microphone and headphones if they want to get the full experience of this game.

Beyond the in-game chat, the regular audio is also incredibly well done! Players will notice a muffling hum come over them as soon as they enter a haunted building. This constant white noise adds to the atmosphere and makes everything just a tad more creepy. The ghost's auditory harassment is also incredibly spooky as players will hear heavy footsteps, sighing, phones ringing, and more during their investigation. Hearing a ghost verbally respond to the Spirit Box is incredibly chilling, which is entertainingly part of the reason why many players are very averse to using it.

Micro-Transactions/Downloadable Content
As of 16 October 2020, there's no indication of downloadable content or micro-transactions being available for this game. As it has yet to be formally released, more maps and equipment are slated to come to the game, which do not require further purchases. Perhaps it's because this is an indie title, but it's refreshing to see an Early Access game that doesn't immediately start milking its fanbase. I'd be more than happy to pay for additional maps if/when that happens, but I'm hoping new equipment is not sold at a premium as that might raise pay-to-win concerns.

As of 2 December 2020, there are multiple houses and farmhouses to investigate, as well as an abandoned high school and asylum. The locations in these buildings are chosen at random, as well as the ghosts that inhabit them. This makes every play-through of a location incredibly unique as only the layout of a building stays the same. Due to this quality, the game has a high replayability value that is only enhanced by additional difficulties and optional objectives. This unique quality has made this game extremely addictive, and I'm constantly eager to saddle up with the gang and check out just one more haunted house!

The Best of the Best: Hiding in a closet with a friend while a ghost stalks the nearby hallway for the one fool that thought he could make a run for it.

The Worst of the Worst: The ugly character models and stiff animations.

Would I Recommend?
This game is a complete blast for anyone that ever wanted to be part of the Scooby-Doo Gang or watched too much Ghost Hunters! If you want a unique experience that will get the blood pumping, this is a great game to experience with friends. With that said, those that prefer to play alone or without a microphone/headphones may be put out by this game. If you want to try this game but don't have anyone to play with, there is a public option that enables players to join up with online groups of investigators! I look forward to further updates to this game and can't wait to dive back in!

Recommended Let's Play Channel:
Another recommendation of PISTOLPETE's channel. Always a good time when him and Alonzorion team up.

----------------------------------------------------Spoiler Comments--------------------------------------------------
  • Even though you can't die in the tutorial, I found myself incredibly anxious about being in that empty house alone. I can't imagine doing some of the actual mission alone!
  • Some of the auto-generated names for the ghosts crack me up. My first experience in the asylum was with an unruly ghost named "Betty White."
  • You don't need to use them, but I love the sensors in this game. It's awesome being back at the truck and watching your sensors get activated with the knowledge that whatever is triggering them is clearly moving about and up to shenaniganry. 
*Kinetic Games. (2020). Phasmophobia game cover image. Steam. Retrieved from:
**Phasmophobia. (2020). Axe-wielding ghost image. Kinetic Games. Retrieved from:
***Phasmophobia. (2020). Investigator hiding image. Kinetic Games. Retrieved from: 


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