Update & Celebration

 Dear Readers,

I hope this finds you guys/gals well. Believe it or not, this is my 100th post! Hard to believe we've come this far since when I first started this whole thing. I wanted to thank all the readers for joining me on this ride, and I hope you'll stick with me as we steamroll our way to the next hundred posts! This blog has changed quite a bit since it first began, and I'm excited to say that there are more changes to look forward to. Since I'm a neat and tidy kind of guy, I've got the updates below.

  • This blog first started with the Dear America series and although I've slowed down with it, it's not going anywhere. I generally only write a post for that series if I have something particularly pressing on my mind, so I've taken it kind of easy on that as I don't want to inundate you guys with pointless posts.
  • I've got some big changes coming to my Quality Entertainment Reviews posts. I've been listening to the feedback you guys have been sending me so I have a couple additions I plan to make.
    • All of my QER posts show where you can find the particular medium I reviewed in the opening paragraph, but some people skip to other sections and kind of miss it. I get it, some people are focused on certain things and my reviews can get a tad bit long, so I've decided to make a separate section below the opening paragraph that highlights where the product can be found. To be clear: I won't be including this in my book reviews as that's kind of obvious where that can be found.
    • I'm not particularly fond of scoring things, however people have asked for some type of rating system. I'm planning to use an out-of-ten score to keep it simple. I'll probably post it directly above the recommendation section at the bottom.
    • At some point, I plan to add these updates to my previous reviews, however I've got a lot of them, so I'll get to it when I get to it. If there's one you're particularly interested in, I recommend re-visiting in about a week.
  • I'm really happy Tales from the Milkwood Lounge has been received so well. The few posts I have for it are the most viewed and I'm certainly planning to put more out in the near future. Obviously, these take time, so I appreciate your patience with them.
  • Lastly, there is a slight possibility that I may slow down in my posts for the month of March as I'm working on a new book! We'll see how it goes, but right now I'm having a good time with it and I've made a fairly decent amount of progress. This may dig into the rate that I post blog entries a smidgeon, but I appreciate your patience with that as things go.
Once again, thanks for reading! Please feel free to post/share any of my posts if you enjoy them. I take negative feedback too, so if there's something you're not liking please let me know! Have a great day and keep on being awesome!



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