The Job Will Not Save You - Dear America

 Dear America,

Recently, I was given some bad news that I have spent a good chunk of the past week reflecting on and trying to put past. One of the things I have most tried to emulate in my life is a drive to accomplish everything I put my focus on. It doesn't always work out, but there's a lesson to be had in every failure. Having recently finished reviewing The Wire, there was a line of dialogue in the series that has managed to stay with me as I apply myself to examining this most recent disaster.

"Tell me something, Jimmy. How exactly do you think it all ends? A parade? A gold watch? A shining Jimmy McNulty Day moment? When you bring in a case so sweet, everybody gets together and says 'aw shit, he was right all along. We should've listened to the man.' The job will not save you, Jimmy. It won't make you whole; it won't fill your ass up."

I'm not a cop, but there's truth in Lester Freamon's words that apply across the board to those of my ilk. If a person spends their entire life focused on one singular aspect of their life, they're doomed to miss out on the rest of everything else.

Most of my adult life has been spent chasing my career, and although I've certainly had a share of successes and failures, I'd be remiss to say that there were times that maybe I let other things fall to the wayside while I kept chasing that next job. This same mindset applies to more than just work too, of course.

There's so much out there to experience during our short period of existence on this planet, but what is that, exactly? To quote Freamon: "Hey, hey, hey, a life, a life, Jimmy. You know what that is? It's the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come."



*Ghjuvan Battista. (2015, February 8). Natural police - The Wire season 03 episode 09 [video]. YouTube. Retrieved from:


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