The Cicada's Ballad - Dear America

Dear America,

I had an uninvited guest drop in while sitting in the drive thru for coffee yesterday. The gentleman fell on my lap and I could hardly contain my discontent, however I suppose some thrill seekers will try all sorts of things when they're at the end of their rope. Now, I did not drive off with this guy as I think we can all guess how it would turn out: he'd try to bolt as I'm crossing an intersection and I'd be left with a head-on collision while he's off getting laid somewhere. I sent him packing with the flick of my wrist and he went off to serenade some dame by the dumpsters.

If you look closely, you'll see what I'm talking about

If you're not from the east coast, I suppose I should give a little context. Since around April, my little corner of the free world has been host to a brood of cicadas that only appear every seventeen years. They're about the size of your thumb, they've got red eyes and orange wings and they sing a loud buzzing tune in the hopes of attracting a mate. Considering I have a phobia about creepy-crawlies, one might think that this little coming-out party would bother me quite a bit, but it surprisingly doesn't. Not everything is as simple as it looks or sounds.

To be fair, I don't want these little guys on me, but I take solace in the fact that they don't bite and they're just looking for a good time before the next hibernation. Beyond that, there's something pretty groovy about the idea of only showing up every seventeen years. Here's a question for you: where were you and what were you doing last time these little guys showed up to party? Where will you be next time they sing their songs under the summer sun?

This is me now when I go for my afternoon walks since these dudes don't know how to fly

I feel as though some people can barely look past tomorrow, and although I certainly respect appreciating the here and now, I can't help but daydream about the future. Will I even be alive seventeen years from now? Will I be better off in that cicada-filled future? I certainly hope so on both accounts. My journey is hardly at the end of its road, and I feel like you and I have so much more to discuss. Seventeen years is a long time, so for now, let's take things slow and enjoy some coffee together and listen to our orange-winged lotharios sing their song. Summer has only begun.



*PeacockTV. (n.d.). Dodging bullets gif. Giphy. Retrieved from:


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