Something that Matters

Dear America,

Good morning. I'm not sure where you are when you're reading this, but I hope this finds you well. It's a rainy Sunday morning here and it's one of those times when I can truly just savor the moment. Despite living in the 21st Century, with all of its technical marvels like Keurig coffee-makers and CSI: Miami re-runs, I still find myself frequently in awe of something as ordinary as rainfall. It's not like it's something I haven't seen before, but sometimes I still find myself just sitting next to a window sipping coffee while watching the drops fall. 

I'm hoping to see a friend today, although we haven't spoken in a while. A while back, she mentioned something that has frequently occupied my thoughts for some time. We were discussing what to expect from the future and she made a comment that she wanted "to do something that matters." As usual when I'm around most classy ladies, I found myself unable to come up with a cohesive response and simply stared into my drink.

Whether it's work or just life, what really matters? What would you consider to actually matter in your life? I have different friend who gave up a six-figure salary to work in the fire department because they wanted to do something that mattered. A different person I know abandoned all of their professional aspirations to work three different menial jobs to support their three kids as a single-parent. Telemarketing for a clothing line may not be as flashy as fighting fires, but the end-result still matters.

I don't mean to make light of anything anyone does in the emergency response services, but I would argue that most people do something that matters. There are people that depend on each of us, while what we do affects so many others. During the COVID-19 quarantine, the government might say that only some jobs are essential, but I think a great deal of it matters.

Today, as I sit watching the rain come down, I want to raise my coffee cup to each of you. You all matter.



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