
Dear America,

Although this will inevitably date itself, I feel like I need to write something about this whole Coronavirus outbreak. Thankfully, I have been one of the fortunate ones to not get sick and keep working, but it hasn't been lost on me that there are a lot of people that haven't been as lucky.

I've had a few friends that either got sick or had their jobs in jeopardy and it's left me in almost a point of endless anxiety. This whole quarantine and the stay-at-home orders have been sort of constant reminders too. As a bit of a shut-in, I figured I wouldn't mind the whole telework thang, but I absolutely hate it. Call it what you like, but I actually appreciate what I do more when it's in an actual office instead of at home on a couch.

Until this whole thing lifts, I feel as though a cloudy malaise has drifted over my world. Like Lizzo, it just won't go away, no matter much you shout and plead at the radio. In all seriousness though...I look forward to this being over. I want to be able to see people cheerful (or at least indifferent) when I stop at the dry-cleaners or grab a drink. Right now... I mainly see a harried look, although even that is hard to spot as everyone is wearing a mask.

I'd like to close by saying thank you to the true warriors against this damn blight: the doctors, nurses, grocery store clerks, bartenders, and emergency service personnel (not necessarily in that order). Actions have consequences and every little thing those people contribute makes this malaise lift just a bit more.

Have you been affected by the pandemic? I hope not, but if you have, I hope that it isn't too bad and you're able to bounce back. Best of health, and best of luck out there.



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