New York, New York - Dear America

Dear America,

It was around the time that Eric Carmen's "Hungry Eyes" began to blare from my radio that I saw that sleek gem on the horizon. I've been all over this planet, and yet I have yet to find anything that beats the Big Apple. I know I've made it when I see the One World Trade Center gleaming in the sun like a shining middle finger to the bastards who thought they could knock you down. The thing I learned about New York City during my first visit (before I even made it through the Lincoln Tunnel) was that no one can keep New York down and I'm proud to say that this includes pandemics too.

One of the things I love most about New York is that there's a story on every street corner. Everyone is on the move, completing a new chapter, and keeping the hustle alive. Over there is a wiseguy munching on antipasto in Little Italy; across the way in Chinatown a socialite argues on the phone about what college her kid is going to; in Chelsea a couple of firefighters are chilling in their garage after a long day; and over in Central Park a bunch of college kids are celebrating a birthday with battery-powered lights and some of the finest grass you'll find on Columbus Circle.

For a handful of days, my little-town blues melted away and the hustle and bustle made me realize that there's a big world out there with endless opportunity. The city can be intimidating, but so can life and I can't think of anything that more exemplifies what America is all about than this. A place where everyone's got a shot, and nobody cares what you look like or what you're into.  As my man, Frank used to say: "If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere."

I'll miss you, New York. I'll be back again someday for more adventures. Stay beautiful, stay classy, and keep standing tall.



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