
Dear Readers,

I want to thank you all for your continued support and viewership. It means a lot to me when I get feedback from you guys and know you're enjoying my little blog's content as much as I'm enjoying writing it. Back in March, I had given some updates as to the state of the blog and wanted to post a new update as there's been some developments.

As you've probably noticed, the blog is moving a bit slower than it was during the winter. This is intentional as I am still working on my latest book. I'm very pleased to say that it is still coming along fairly nicely. Based on my experience, writing a novel is a marathon and not a sprint (especially when you have a day-job). With that being said, I've made a lot of progress. 

I'm over 80 pages into the first draft, which is fairly long for me as I believe my first book, Run & Hide, was only around 70-something. Of course, I'm not all that focused on length as I'm writing until I'm happy with the story as a whole, but I felt explaining this might be a good way for you to gauge my progress. I recently had a couple of weeks where I really struggled with writer's block, but I'm happy to say that my trip to New York City sort of fixed that and gave me a much-needed boost.

I'm incredibly eager to share my new story with you all, but it's still going to be a while before that actually happens. The first draft will certainly take the most time, but it will likely require several reviews and a ton of edits before we near publication. Despite that, I believe that once I finish the first draft, I'll be able to get back to providing more material on this blog.

Until I hit that milestone, I want to thank each of you for your support. It means a lot to me. I wish you all a wonderful weekend and hope this finds you and yours very well.



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