Those Treasured Moments - Dear America

Dear America,

As the weather gets nicer, I've been taking the time to literally stop and smell the roses (or at least some flower-equivalent of that). It's not all it's cracked up to be, honestly, as I think those vile plants are trying to kill me as allergy season has threatened to put me in an early grave. With that being said, it's given me something to think on as I hit the sun-washed streets.

Regardless of how dark or bad things can get in a person's life, I think everyone has those moments where the stars align and everything is just damn-near perfect for a split-second. These moments don't need to be climactic, and I'd wager they rarely are. It's those moments where everything's at peace and it all clicks into place. It's at those times that I try to hold on with both hands and remember it all, because (believe me) they go quick and something in the back of my mind tells me you only get so many.

"Now, wait a minute, I'd like to propose a toast. To my family...Someday soon, you're gonna have families of your own, and if you're lucky, you'll remember the little this...that were good. Cheers."
-Tony Soprano

In this day-and-age of social media posts, twitter hashtags, and soundbites, I think there's a lot of noise out there that maybe distracts us from these perfect moments. The future isn't going anywhere, and although I certainly recommend planning for it, I'd like to remind you to take a chance to enjoy those precious occasions where it simply works. You'd be astounded at just how nice it feels to soak it all in without worrying about the future or dwelling on the past.

Share this moment with me, will you? I don't know when we'll get another one. Oh, and while you're at it, pass me a tissue, because I feel another sneeze coming on.



*Facebook. (n.d.). The Sopranos Season 1 Ending image. Retrieved from:


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